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The Classic Dozen Long-Stemmed Red Rose Bouquet is a beautiful arrangement of twelve red roses, each with a long stem and perfect petals.


This bouquet is a timeless classic perfect for romantic occasions, such as Valentine's Day. The deep red colour of the roses symbolises love, passion, and commitment, making it a perfect gift for your significant other.


Each rose is carefully selected and arranged by us to ensure that the bouquet is of the highest quality. The long stems also make it easy to place the bouquet in a vase to display in your home or office.


Give the gift of love with the Classic Dozen Long-Stemmed Red Rose Bouquet.


To make this gift that little bit extra special, why not include a box of Audrey's luxury Valentines chocolates. 


We also sell fragrant handmade candles, made from soy wax using only the finest ingredients.  The Tinder Box has the deepest and most enticing scent yet features the warming notes of black pepper, vanilla, sandalwood and tobacco leaf for a sultry and wonderfully spicy aroma.


The woodiness perfectly encapsulates cosy winter days and the comforting scent of leather is nostalgic and comforting.

Classic Dozen Red Rose Bouquet

  • We offer the following delivery options -

    • Click & Collect - FREE from Mercantile Adventurers in Burgess Hill during shop opening hours Tuesday - Saturday 10.00am - 5.00pm
    • Local Delivery - Available on checkout with postcode
  • Make sure you have a clean vase to hand to put your flowers in.

    Fill your vase two thirds full with fresh water and add the flower food.

    Unwrap your flowers from the packaging, if you have been given a hand-tied bouquet, leave the twine in place around the stems, otherwise you will lose the design and you will have to rearrange.

    Cut off about 2cm from the bottom of each stem, using a pair of sharp scissors or secateurs.  Cut at a 45 degree angle to ensure your stems have the greatest surface area possible to drink from.

    Remove any foliage which may sit below the waterline as this can cause bacteria to build up in the vase shortening the life span of your flowers.

    When chosing where to display your flowers make sure they are kept away from draughts as well as hot radiators.  Also out of direct sunlight and avoid keeping your flowers next to the fruit bowl as some fruits release a gas that can make flowers fade fast.

    Check the water on a daily basis and top up when needed.

    Every 2-3 days, re-cut the flower stems and fill your vase with fresh water.

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